Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish takes seriously the protection of all youth in our parish, including those attending our school, religious education programs, sacrament preparation activities, youth ministries, scouting programs, sport activities, and Early Education/After School Care programs. We are committed to providing the safest environment possible for all youth who are members of our parish as well as for those who visits our parish campus.
PRIOR to employment/volunteer ministries/or volunteer service
ALL employees (whether they work around youth or not); as well as ALL volunteers who work around children and vulnerable adults as an adult volunteer in charge are REQUIRED to complete:
- Virtus training—Protecting God’s Children for Adults,
- a background screening, and
- read and sign the (3) Archdiocesan policies (Code of Ethics, Child Protection Policy, and Harassment Policy)
As a new employee or volunteer you need to go through the following process:
1. Sign on to the Virtus online system at www.virtusonline.org to open and set up an account. When you do, you will be prompted through the process to begin the above three steps necessary to be eligible to work or volunteer with minors or vulnerable adults.
Due to the pandemic, the requirement to attend a live session in person has been temporarily waived to allow instead for completion of an online module.
2. Applicants will be directed to the background check and policies process during the Registration process.
3. Once that portion is completed, you will then need to log back into your Virtus account you just set up in order to complete the Training Module.
Remember, it is important, for the safety and protection all our parish children and members, that these 3 steps -
- Virtus training module called "Protecting God's Children for Adults"
- Background screening
- Complete and sign the Archdiocesan policies (Code of Ethics, Child Protection Policy, and Harassment Policy)
be completed PRIOR to beginning employment or volunteer service with children and vulnerable adults.
Should you have any questions, please contact the parish Virtus Coordinator, Denise Godinez at (913) 722-2206.